Working Group - Cereals and Maize

 The Working Group for Cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat, spelt-wheat) and Maize was established due to the fact that a significant part of the agricultural production lies upon   these plant species both worldwide and in our country. A large number of varieties of these species are present in the world today. This Working Group deals with the issues of introduction, evaluation and use of a number of accessions (exotic germplasm or domestic germplasm) for new genotypes, varieties or hybrids respectively. New varieties in crop production that lie upon the old varieties have significantly changed the important things in this production. The human population has primarily gained a lot from the aforementioned,  both in terms of quantity and quality of life. Accordingly, our institutions dealing with the above mentioned issues also conduct similar activities with the aim of preserving the old varieties and their use in order to increase the production of sufficient quantities of food of appropriate quality. It is well-known that accessions found in nature certainly have positive as well as negative traits, hence a need for a new combination of properties of the new genotype. Starting materials are certainly important at this point, whether totally original or as a part of the already existing program, thus presenting partially refined or improved materials worth of attention that could be preserved for future generations and new conditions (agro-ecological, climatic, market, etc.).

Accessions of cereals and maize exist in different places and we are interested in the accessions grown on the fields from which the population has not migrated, i.e. mountain villages.

Activities related to the collection or inventory of materials are the first step in a long-term plan of getting something new. The collection and preservation of plant material alone without its inclusion in breeding programs has little significance. After collecting, the material is multiplied or regenerated for planning purposes. Such situations allow the implementation of certain observations on accessions related to the desirable or necessary features, which may be included in the planned breeding programs. These activities require a longer, preferably continuous period of time as the only way meant to bring certain results or material for generations to come.


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Members of the Working Group for Cereals and Maize